The months leading up to your HDB key collection are both exciting and exhausting. You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, but now that it’s here, you’re a little overwhelmed by the thought of all that needs to be done. When the day finally arrives for you to collect your keys, it will be a huge relief. But don’t get too comfortable in your new home just yet. There are still many things that you need to do before moving in. Inspecting a new HDB BTO is vital for you to ensure that the property is in good condition. It is important to inspect a new HDB BTO for defects before moving in or beginning the renovation. You cannot claim compensation from the government if you discover defects after you moved in.
To avoid any inconvenience, here are tips and things to note when checking for defects:
When you collect your keys from HDB ask them for multiple copies of the Defects Feedback Form
Submit your property defect lists within 7 days of collecting your keys
When conducting rectification works, do not rush
Before your first visit activate your utility account
Here are some of the items to bring for a defect inspection:
Pen or pencil (To check or uncheck the list)
Portable fan (Cool you down)
Cleaning products (To remove construction debris)
Stool or ladder (Reach high places)
Flashlight (Check dark areas. Eg; piping)
Spirit level (Check for uneven flooring)
Masking tape (Point out defects)
Food (Replenish your energy)
The following checklist can help you determine whether your HBD BTO will be ready for renovation:
Walls and ceilings Examine the walls and ceilings for any hairline cracks, stains, or lines. Cracks could indicate problems with the structure of the building. Stains could be a sign of water damage, which could cause serious issues later on. Check all of the surfaces to ensure that they have been painted evenly and professionally. You can get aesthetic defects rectified for free if you point them out during a home inspection.
Floors and tiles Inspect the floor for any scratches or chips, as well as stains that might indicate water seepage. Flooring should be even and consistent, with no tiles sticking out or unevenly laid.
Doors and gates When you inspect a door or gate, check that it is aligned and opened and closed smoothly with the key. The lock should not make any screeching noise when you use your key. Check for rust on hinges, and screws. Peepholes should provide a clear view.
Windows Check for the smooth operation of all windows, including locking and unlocking. Inspect the glass for chips, scratches, bubbles, or defects; ensure there is no rust on the hinges, locks, or frames; and check alignment and installation.
Plumbing Plumbing issues are costly to rectify and can cause a lot of damage, so be sure to check for leaks throughout the home. Look out for stains–not just on the walls and floors, but also around valves, fittings, pipes, and at the bottom of cabinets.
Electrical Before you move in, inspect all electrical outlets, and ensure there is no mold or cracks. You should also bring along a charger to make sure the power points are working.
Toilet Inspect the toilet, including the toilet bowl and seat, for cracks, stains, scratches, leaks, or water seepage. Make sure there are no problems with the flushing system. Also, test seat movement by flipping it up and down.
Taps, sinks and showerhead Check your taps and shower heads for leaks, cracks, scratches, and water seepage. Water should flow with acceptable pressure and not sputter, make strange noises, or drip after you turn the tap off.
Clothes drying rack Inspect the clothes drying rack to ensure it is in good working order with no cracks or defects, and works smoothly.
Best of luck in checking your home defects. Contact us if you need help.